Happy Spring! (& Summer Sales Plan)

Hi everyone! Thanks so much for checking out our site. It has been really exciting to slowly build our social media following over the past couple weeks, and we hope as we get closer to launching we’ll be able to have some giveaways to help get the word out.

Starting even a really small business like Bergamot & Basil from scratch has been more work than we possibly imagined, which sounds cliche but it’s true! Major props to those who do this all on their own. Kaila and I and both of our husbands have been putting in a ton of work beyond our day jobs over the past several months, and continually realizing that we need to pare back on a lot of our ideas to make sure that we do our core activity, growing and selling herbs, as well as we can.

Initially we had planned to have our own online store, but this is one of the items we’ve had to cut to ensure we don’t spread ourselves too thin. We are awaiting a couple of Public Health approvals from two of our planned sales venues, which we are told will go through, but tentatively we can share our sales plan for the summer.

Here is where you can expect to find us this summer:

Weekends of May 8 and May 15

We will not be doing in-person sales these weekends. Pending approval we will be selling a few different six-packs of herbs through The Little Market Box and the Virtual Saskatoon Farmers’ Market for weekend pickup or delivery. Six-packs will be available through both of these online markets for the rest of our growing season as well.

Weekends of May 22-June 5

We are CONFIRMED to have a stall at the Street Stall Saturdays Outdoor Market for these three Saturdays. SSS is operated by Ideas Inc. and occurs at Market Square downtown. We will be selling individual 2.5″ and 4″ plants at this location.

Weekends of June 12-26 and possibly July 3

Pending approval we will be at the Saskatoon Farmers’ Market on Koyl Avenue for at least three Saturdays, with a possible end of season sale on July 3 depending on how much inventory we have left. We will be selling individual 2.5″ and 4″ plants at this location.

Free Herbs?!

We are partnering with the Saskatoon Horticultural Society to provide a special benefit to SHS members at our in-person market locations. Members who show their card will receive a free basil plant with the purchase of any nine items. Check out the SHS membership page for information about how to join and receive other amazing benefits from a long list of other horticultural businesses in the Saskatoon area!

Chives on an outdoor field trip – because it’s spring!

We are so excited to get going and start meeting you at the markets! If you aren’t already, please follow us on Facebook or Instagram to keep up with our progress and learn about the plants we’re growing for you!

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